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The sage is a member of the mint family and has a strong flavor like mint. Mediterranean herb, with a sweet and somewhat bitter taste and a pine-like flavor. It is often described as having an eucalyptus aroma and citrus notes.



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Prof. Sachet


It pairs very well with chicken and other poultry, as well as with pork and sausages. Sage and winter squash is also a very popular combination, one of the few where the sage is combined with a sweet ingredient. You will also find sage in many Italian recipes, recipes with beans, dishes with potatoes, stuffed meats, savory breads and pasta.

The sage, when used in beverages, is digestible and antipyretic, with antiperspirant properties for the diaphoresis of the hands, the body and the night sweating. Its beverage soothes pharyngitis and laryngitis. In addition, it helps to eliminate acne, while many people use it as a powerful disinfectant for germs and diseases.

The taste of sage is strong, unique, bittersweet, standing out in every dish. This is why we don’t use it often in cooking.